Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Dance is My Heart!

I Dance

I dance because it's who I am

I dance as it shows my soul

It bares my soul.......to me, to others, to you

I share my dance as it gets me closer to You, to God, to Me

My dance is who I am, it's what I breathe, I eat, I feel, I see, I cry, I laugh and I play

Without it.....I am nothing

It's who I am

It saves me from my mind-the chatter

It saves me from going crazy

I meet you there...yes I meet YOU there, as it's where I meet ME there and it's the only place I can meet anyone truly.

Well, there and in the breath, but where is dance if there is no breath and where is there breath with no dance?

They go hand and hand

I dance you in, I breathe you in, and as I do I breathe me in, I breathe me in fully

As it is my flow

It's my heart

Dance is my breath

Yes, my breath

Without it I die

Yes without it I Die

Do you feel that? Hear that? I die without it.

I've died before, it's painful, it's lonely, there is anguish

The heart beat continues but I am not there, I am dead, I did not dance

But now I do, so I breathe, I live, I feel and I DANCE

It's my life....what is your dance, what is your life?

My life is dance, my dance is breath, my breath is life and that....is my HEART!

It's where I meet You..... Me..... & God

DANCE is my Heart, Dance IS my Heart, Dance is my HEART!

Dance is who I am.


-Heather Rhea Dawn-

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