Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Sukhi-In Heat!

Hey ya,
Just imagine, you come home to your kitty, almost one year old, and she comes up to you rubbing, rubbing, rubbing, and then walking around in a squatted position, with tail up in the air, her little butt just a twitching in the air and howling in such a cat, loving way looking for someone to love on her tremedously.

Yes, this is what I came home to Sunday. First my roommate told me she was all lovey on her when she got home, and then later Sukhi woke up and the love and affection that was showered up on me, with the lovely little howling she does, how lovely. It’s like she’s so horny she just have to let out a howl, I know that feeling, I have been there, I just don’t go around with my butt up in the air shaking it and howling….that could be a good trick, it might work!!! Or I’d just be put away.

Since I’ve only had male kitties and never remember from so many years ago what they go through and this being a girl kitty, never seen this and didn’t know what to do for her. I knew a friend years ago picked up his kitty, with her begging eyes, pleaded for him to do something to stop this. Here he was, thermometer in hand, ready to stick it in, her ready and willing and he just said “I can’t, it’s incestuous, you are my daughter” and put her down. She was so disappointed. I get that urge. I got on the web and one person gave the advice of:

Equipment: -Cat in Heat

-Grab wailing, squirming cat and place it on your lap with its hind quarters readily accessible. Chances are the cat will freely offer them, if not the first time this procedure is followed, then certainly each time afterward.

-Insert the Q-tip into the cat's vagina. It will be exposed and puffy. Do not insert the Q-tip into the other orifice. Either way the cat will begin to scream, but there is a subtle and audible difference in the scream of satisfaction and the scream of rectal pain. Experiment a little until you can distinguish the two. (she was basically telling everyone to stick the Q-tip in both orifices to see how she screams differently, is this crazy or what? No thank you)

-Move the Q-tip in and out of the cat's vagina slowly at first, then more rapidly. No need to be gentle, no matter what you do with the Q-tip it beats a barbed cat penis digging around in there. (I’m sorry but cats are meant for that barbed penis, not a rough, cotton Q-tip that is being jammed into her who knows how deep and hard, YIKES-are you laughing, crying or mad yet, it’s not done yet).

-You are finished when the cat is finished. You will know when the cat is finished because it will either begin immediately to have a cat orgasm, or it will run away with the Q-tip sticking out of its ass. If this happens let it enjoy itself for a few minutes before attempting to retrieve your Q-tip.

-That is it, you are done. Enjoy the peace and quiet until the cat flares up again.

What to look for: The cat orgasm that follows this procedure is something the likes of which I have never seen elsewhere. It is a wriggling, leaping, moaning dance of ecstasy that defies any experience of pleasure my mind can even begin to grasp (I love that). If humans had orgasms with the intensity of a cat serviced in this way there would be no such thing as war, hunger, capitalism or God. (yes yes yes, let this be a lesson for humans, orgasms, not war!!!)

Background: A cat in heat is, with few exceptions, one of the most irritating things to have living in your home. A cat in heat will follow you around and howl at you in a bone chilling, hideous wail until you are ready just to toss it outside and let it get pounded by the local tom's. After a few days of this torture having to drown a few kittens sounds relaxing. This cat-saving technique was first demonstrated to me by a terminally un-squeemish roomate of years past.

To continue now:
This is funny, as I read another one that said how does she get her cat out of the pain she is in…do people not know what a horny cat looks like, feels like, sounds like? I’ve never had one, but Sukhi in heat, isn’t like she’s in pain, she’s just overly stimulated and wanting to be done in the most desperate of ways!!! Oh yes!
So I finally called the vet and there is nothing for me to do but to love on her and get her fixed or pregnant. Since I’m not ready to be a grandmother, I think the fixed thing might have to happen, well after a week or so of her loving on me. Of course, when I did start to rub her back right at her tail she just started going crazy, then I started massaging the side of her butt/thighs and she basically came all over me. Wow. Kitty juice!!! Luckily that doesn’t bother me, I loved it and felt honored, though I know she doesn’t care who she gets it on as long as she gets some rubbing, loving and satisfaction.

I do look at my surgical gloves and wonder if I could help in some way, but think “my fingers are probably much too large, but then massaging might help. Yeash!
The doctor said only her being inpregnated will stop her from being in heat. Ok then…who knows. I think I’ll let nature do it’s thing. The great thing is she hasn’t tried to get out, hope that stays that way….she hasn’t realized the tomcats outside are sniffing, laying out on the side walk waiting for her. She notices them but doesn’t seem all the excited by them….strange, but good for me. I just need her to stay inside, away from them.

Much more going on but I thought I’d send one piece of info per email,
Take care, hope you got a kick out of this, she is just adorable, when I get video uploaded I’ll attach it.
Much love to you, Heather

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Me Dancing Aerial Contact

This is the dance Aerial Contact, as my friend, Rob and I call it. He introduced me to this dance 3+ years ago and he and I have redefined and expanded it over the years, to the point that I teach this now.
I'm excited to share it with you. Enjoy!
Bliss and love to you, Heather

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Soulmate, Lessons, Dance, Life....

Hello there,
How are you? I know, long time no hear. So much has been up, happening and I haven't taken the time to share. I truly think of so many so much but I just don't take the time write all the time individually, but I'd love to hear from you.

For me, I met my soulmate February 8th, this year, or should I say, A soulmate, as I don't feel there is only one for each person. It was amazing, breathing, exhilerating. We met each other in so many areas, first, on the dance floor-never have I been met so well on the dance floor by a man in my life. It was as if I was dancing with myself, slow, fast, contact, I lifted him up immediately and he went with it in such trust, I did not know he teaches Contact Improv since we'd never talked. In my first glance at him he inspired me to dance even more. When we connected it was as if I saw his soul, we lit up, we exploded off each other and then met up later.

Off the dance floor we met each other in such incredible, amazing ways that I'd never been met-in communication, sharing, truth,speaking all upfront and with love, compassion, making love like neither of had ever experienced and believing in so many of the same things, supporting each other through so much. I'd never been in something so connected, so easy when we were together. We just lit each other up, inspired and grew from know each other. I saw his soul, not so much his physicalness but his soul shined through. I get you don't choose your soulmates, they just come, and you can choose to embrace them or not.

So now, 4 months later, I found myself last week in a quandary and breaking up with him. As much as it was so powerful with him, he lives in Northern California and when apart, it was not so easy. When I realized I wasn't being met when we were apart, and being met could be energetically, phone, skype, notes, emails...but connectedness, showing up and meeting in the space of heart and soul. I realized it was time to end it, as hard as it was.

My first thought the morning after was "what did I do....so taking care of myself and doing what is best for me isn't always aligned with what I want". I sat with that, really allowed it to move through me and it take very long before I got..."but it is what I want...the big picture is I want my life partner, as so taking care of myself doesn't always look like what I want in the moment, but it is what I want for the long term". As he wasn't ready for a commitment. I am. It was a difference of where we are at and nothing more than that.

And the lessons that have come from that since have been mind blowing...it's not always what we think. I woke up this morning, 5 days after I broke it off, and really feeling all the good stuff he and I had and went through together, breathing that all in and realized, there was only happiness, joy, bliss and excitement. As those experiences are mine, they are part of me and if I can remember them within me I have them and can bring them into my next relationship and manifest anything I want. As, if I can manifest someone so close to what I want, I can manifest someone better.

No one can take these experiences away from me....I realized there wasn't one ounce of sadness, as I would have had in the past, I didn't feel a lack in the loss of not having it any more. I felt love, and gratitude and excitement for the lessons, for all those experiences and all the openings and love that I got to share, the gratitude is beyond anything I've ever imagined before. I felt it, I had it still living within me, it's still mine, it's a part of me and why not let that grow huge in me so I can go to my next step in the next relationship.

How profound is all of this, to love, to allow the loss, cry when the tears come up, let everything flow through and see the joyful happy times, with no attachment to the past, but an opening to the future and celebrate, really celebrate. That's probably the most exciting thing I've ever felt. And that is the real gift of all of this...celebrating life, what we learn no matter how easy or hard it is. I got feel I was given so much in these 4 months with him, I love seeing and feeling those gifts and embracing them all.

Yesterday was the first morning I woke up without him being on my mind and this morning I woke up thrilled about life. I feel so empowered, so relieved by my choice to choose me, my future of keeping my intention to being with my soulmate/life partner this year. I feel this and have felt it for a very long time now. So I'll take joy over pain any day. I embraced the pain fully, I reached out for support and now I feel so clear it is perfect. I love the lessons of life, even these painful ones as it stretches me.

These past few months have been pretty incredible anyway. I've taken to studying Contact Improv, going to do some workshops this summer in this work. I've been dancing 2-7 hours a day 3-5 days a week and this is very exciting to me. I have all kinds of plans for dance in my future and this really thrills me. Though just living in the moment is pretty profound too. I'll be putting up some videos soon of some of the dance I've been up too.

I went to Sedona, in Arizona to video my teachers at the Daka/Dakini Conference (sacred sexual healers). That was so much fun...learning to direct the cameras, being behind the scene as well as using my artistic eye to capture some incredible scenes at the conference. Meeting some amazing people, seeing my teachers and being with good friends.

There is so much more I can share but I'll stop there. Life is good and getting better. I love you all so very much. I miss hearing from you and wish you all your dreams coming true. Hugs and love, Heather
Ps. I'll be sending out some links to some videos I was in soon as well, just for fun.
PPS. Sukhi, my kitten, had her first bout of fleas and going to the vet, she's recovered from it all thankfully now, but man she was a little crazed there for a bit the poor thing. XXOO

Monday, April 27, 2009

Post-Dance Video Fun!

Hello there,
Here are a few videos I was in over the past few months, just for fun! We all get together after dancing for 3-4 hours and put these together as a community!
Enjoy! Love, Heather

MC Hammer:

Chicken Dance:

Our first (improvised) musical number:

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

To Thine Self Be True & Love Is All There Is!

In the one photo with Sukhi, she is learning to fly on my feet, she did very good for about 1 or 2 minutes, Brave and Spirited Soul! She loves to nuzzle in my hair and she loves the laundry basket! My baby at 7-7.5 months old!

Hello there lovely Ones!
How are you? I hope life is just TERRRRIFIC for you! My year has been pretty darn fine, though with it’s share of ups and downs as well. The first few weeks I was high as a kite and thrilled about the new year, full of giggles and on Progesterone to heal my fibroids. Well it is known as the happy drug, but when mixed with certain estrogens it can make you a little on and off emotionally, I went through that and then had to go off Progesterone for a month to adjust to no estrogen in my diet-lotions, shampoos, conditioners, laundry detergent. Wow, it is powerful what hormones can do to you and what it make you feel-the ups are so great and the downs, well they are crazy. But I’m back to normal now!!!

After cutting my finger and getting stitches I saw how the Universe still provided for me and how incredible things work in this energy filled world. I love manifesting love, abundance and positive things around me. Just believing it is there, that it can be and is there and then listen/wait for it to just come.
I saw this AMAZING dance performance by this Dance Company by Diavolo, based in Los Angeles and wow wow WOW! I’ve never watched a dance performance where all you get sucked in by is the dance and movement. Typically the costumes are such a distraction and this company isn’t about the costumes, they dress simply, doing acrobatic, gymnastic type moves, while balancing on huge contraptions that move and roll. I heard about this company last year and thought to audition for them but had never seen them, but now, NOW I’ll be trying out for them in May or June! If I get in it is a 2 year commitment and traveling internationally doing what I most love-DANCE!!! So then my career title will be Dancer, which is what I feel I am at the heart of heart of things!

On top of all this I have started back dating again-nothing committed but I have met a wonderful man that is so beautiful and into so many of the things I’m into. We dance, play and laugh so similarly at and in life. When we dance, where we met, it’s like I am dancing with myself. I’ve never felt that ever in my life with a man. We have a lot of fun when we are together and we’ll see what happens. He lives in Northern California and there are a few things to work out but the great thing is I’m back dating again, my heart it opening and life is very full right now!

Through meeting this man I found out about EMDR….this is the most amazing thing I’ve heard of yet for Post Traumatic Stress. Through my years of looking for a natural healing method for this I’ve found nothing that works. All doctors want to put you on medication but this is a therapeutic method, that they haven’t figured out why it works but it does with people that have PTSD. I started it 2 days after I heard about it and my life has changed. I feel so differently, I feel so strong and good about me, my relationships with myself and others. There is a confidence and sureness that has come over me. I mean it’s not always there, being human we have our moments. But I am looking at life to take care of me first and then others. And that is not always easy being a massage therapist, etc. But it is working, it is risking telling the truth at a cost, but so far it’s all working out. I’ve only had 2 sessions but man oh man, EMDR-google it, find out about it if you know of anyone that has had trauma in their lives. It gets them back to who they are. They use it for war veterans. So far I know of 2 people it’s healed and heard of 9 others.

Sukhi is growing like crazy, she is jumping straight up in the air to 3 or so feet to play with her toys, she is incredible. She stood with all four feet on my shoulders this morning trying to see as much as she could all around her, so very cute. I found her the other day balancing on the toilet seat as I ran out to get something and came back, Oh that was so funny-she’s learned not to fall or jump in it!!!

I am celebrating this week as Sunday I get a new roommate. I went to bed last Thursday asking the Universe to bring me the perfect roommate by Saturday and sure enough my girlfriend called me the next morning at 7:15am wanting to room with me. This woman feels like a baby sister to me and the bond is so lovely. We dance together and have so much to share and grow from the other, so there is much love and excitement for the change and bond!

So that is me for now, I’m sure there is more but for the most part this year is about dance and healing and so far it feels like it’s going in that direction. Step by step, breath by breath keep doing what you love and all will come to you that you love-even the challenges bring us special gifts. I know I’ve learned so much in cutting my finger, dating someone so far away, healing PTSD and fibroids, it’s not always easy but it’s better then doing nothing, watching life go by and not participating, not loving. We are here to love, be love, give and receive love.
This morning I woke up with these words in my mind and in my heart- To Thine Self Be True and Love Is All There Is. But it’s true, and what doesn’t kill us does make us stronger. Though I do believe we can heal though love and pain not only pain.
Have a glorious day! To Thine Self Be True, Bliss and Love, Heather

Friday, February 6, 2009

Happy Medicine, Hoppin', Sukhi, Meditation!

Hello, hello, hello,
Happy New Year!!!! Actually the start of 2 New Years, Western and Chinese! I feel them just as powerfully! The year of 2009 = 11, which is a powerful number and I find will be a powerfully creative time for all people. Then the year of the Ox, it's an abundant year where people will fall in love and find life partners. All which sounds great to me.

This past year has been good to me from being in New Zealand, backing by myself in Australia, to being filmed in a Tantric Video, to being written up in Playgirl on Tantra on the Beach (at a nudist resort), creating and teaching a dance I absolutely love and opening to more love and passion in my life!

This year so far has started out with a BANG! First, in my search for finding a way of healing Fibroids in women, I found a doctor that has had an 85% rate of healing these things out of the body! All naturally and without any cutting! First of all you need to go on something that is naturally known as happy medicine for women! Oh man, this was really AMAZING the first 1 or 2 weeks, giggles all the time, dancing down the beach, not caring what anyone things and man oh man the bliss, and the sleep you don't need when you are so happy! If anyone is interested in more info on this, let me know, I can give info on this.

I've been dancing with this guy for the past 4 or 5 months now that is a professional dancer, we have just had so much fun! Well this has opened me to see where I want to go in my dance. And in this I started taking Private Tango lessons from him, which at first was intense, very sexy and I think I may have even blushed once-yes I do that! Try doing the Besa (sp?), the kiss, move without having a reaction to it if you feel it in your body when some beautiful man his holding you in his arms-OH MY! Well I think it will take a few years just to find out how I'm to stand and breathe and dance all at the same time-hold your stomach up and in, chest out, almost at an angle toward your partner, keep your upper body in one place and then have your feet go in one direction and have your upper body face in a different direction-and don't forget to breathe and HAVE FUN! Yikes! But the 3 session I had were really great, the last one was the best as I started to finally feel it!

December I had gone out on the Promenade in Santa Monica with this guy and got a small taste of Lindy Hop and Salsa! I know I loved Salsa when I took lessons in India back in 2000-2001, so that was great. Well I woke up last week 2 days in a row with images of this dance that I could only say it must have been Lindy Hop. So I had to go. I took my first lesson last night-MAN OH MAN!!! This must be the most fun dance with steps in the world! I mean, you can't be unhappy or think anything but happy thoughts and be in bliss when you are dancing this! My immediate reaction was "hey my mother used to do this in our living room" what fun! Well sign me up as I am now not only signed up for 4 classes, but next week I'll be signing up for 4 more, if not a double class one one of those nights! Oh my oh my! Such excitement! On top of it, I met someone last night that wants to practice with me, so we did that today, on top of another aquaintance and I will be going out (he's been doing this for years) Lindy Hopping the night away tomorrow night!

I also have one man that I have met via the internet that wants to start doing Salsa with me! I am loving this! I'll let you know what happens with that!

I am getting great images of how I want to dance, how I want to perform-which is a HUGE intention for this year! I am also looking at different dance company's and have written a few to see if we'd be a good fit! I'm excited by all the possibilities of everything!

Sukhi, my kitty is now 6 months, she's been amazing and a little monster all at the same time. She is learning she has claws and how to use them on the carpeting, couch and sometimes if you get close enough to love on her-well your skin gets to experience her claws too. The training of getting her not to do this is very challenging for me. I love her and get tired of the word no-still. But lately she has been going through teenage stuff, "leave me alone or I'll tear your up, now love me, no, not that way, this way...or else I'll leave if you don't do it just so...oh goodness, I'll sit over here then...purrr purrr purrr". Yes that is what it seems like she says in her reaction to people. She loves licking hair, head hair, armpit hair-especially sweaty armpit hair, all those pheromones she loves, she loves to sleep in my armpit if I lay on the floor-she sleeps alone now-no longer wanting to cuddle. She loves to lick, which I love...so sweet. Her eyes has gone from green to now they are yellow, very different, but lovely!

This year is already teaching me to trust, I ended up cutting my finger deeply on a mirror and had to have 5 stitches and being a massage therapist and someone who needs my hands to dance-well this put things on pause for about 2 weeks. I luckily just trusted, I got a lot done and people came to me for meditations, exercises that didn't use my hands or I could use mostly my forearms or right hand for massaging or just energy work. I did end up teaching until my doctor told me to stop it as my cut wasn't healing because of it. OOPs! Plus he didn't stress how important it was to use the brace on my finger and after 24 hours I hit the brace really hard, took it off and decided it wasn't needed-another ooops, wrong. Tssk tssk to me. Well once the doctor told me to stop teaching and wear it, I did it, even longer then expected, just to make up for not doing it before! Do I get brownie points for that? Who knows, but it's healing now. In another week I assume it will be back to normal.

Anyway, there is much more to tell, but I'll let cha go for now. Oh, it's been lovely this year, I am back to meditating daily, which has been amazing, to the point of connnecting directly with spirit in such a way that I heard the voice of my guide. Such a magical experience and in perfect timing. As I needed some support in letting go and it just was perfect for calming the soul and directing me to peace.

I am sending you love and light! Follow Your Hearts Desire, this is my mantra this year, maybe it can be yours as well!
Blissfully and lovingly, Heather

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Life is Art!

Life is Art

Yes Life is Art
Can you feel that?
See it?
Taste it?

Just take a moment…
How do you eat?
From the time you see your food
To the time that you are placing it in your mouth
To the way you chew it
To how you swallow it
It’s all art

The way you take in the scent of your food
This is art
How much time do you take to really smell your food?
Taking it in before you take it in
It’s an art

How you look at your life,
The people who pass you on the street
How you hug
How you reach out and touch someone’s shoulder
It’s art
Life is art, yes it is, so much of it is, what isn’t art?
I don’t know what isn’t art……My mind goes blank to find something that isn’t art

A fire that warms you is art,
How you placed the logs,
What paper you used to light the fire
What colors came at first when it came to light
How did you place to paper?
Was it paper that shifted colors as it started
It’s all art

The way you taste
that first glass of liquid in the morning
the taste of your lovers skin
how you run your tongue over them
it’s art, oh yes it’s art
making love is art, it’s one of the greatest arts
moving, meshing, merging, breathing in, tasting,
smelling, feeling, licking, blissing
the pleasure of moving together
different speeds, positions, slower, faster
eyes open, eyes closed,
dancing in and around the others body
touching, kissing, pulling, pushing, caressing,
nails scratching, biting, contractions, explosions of openness
oh yes, making love, the best form of art
slow down and really appreciate it
open all those senses
and then quicken the pace of passion
yes, it’s art, such luscious art
the art of love, of passion, of heaven
art, oh art, yes loving making is art

There is the art of walking
Dancing, smiling, how your eyes move
What clothes you put on, how you put them on
How you touch your body-oh yes, this is definitely art
Putting that oil or lotion on your skin,
Soaping up your body in the shower
How you lather up your hair
Shave your legs or face-if you do such artful things
They are all art
Next time you do one of these things see the art in it

How you place the book back on the shelf
Opening your computer or turning it on
How you pet your pet
How you pull the blanket up over your in bed
Turning on and off the light
Yes it’s all art
As life is art
Just look around you
The chair you sit in
The scent you are smelling
how it was cooked & the smoke that rose from it when it was cooked
Such art every where

How do you put on your shoes to go to work,
For your hike, to the store or to go to those dance lessons/classes
It’s all beauty, it’s all art
It’s just how we look at it
Our lives are about art
See where art is all around you
Within you and is you
Art is life, life is art

Heather Rhea Dawn

Friday, January 2, 2009

Dance with Presence, Dance with Life, Dance In Life!

Dance with Presence, Dance with Life, Dance In Life!

Yes, Dance is the journey
Isn't it?
Yes it is.
The dance isn't the end point,
it is the now point,
the here and now point.
We are all dancing right now,
it's called life....this dance
The dance is life
Or is it life is the Dance.
I say yes to both
Be Present, Be here and now
Be Life
Be the dance
Allow your heart to sing each moment

Yes, sing, dance, feel
Let it be heard
And LIVE by IT
It screams to be lived by
It cries, it celebrates, it wishes, it hopes
Oh let it soar,let your heart be heard

Let you heart move your dance
This way your heart gets to dance
Be seen, be felt, be heard, and LIVED!
Yes be LIVED fully, right here right now.
So listen,
oh listen
listen so closely
so still-ly
yes, be still
be ever so quiet
you'll hear it
it will speak to you
so go in, close your beautiful eyes
let that heart, that big glorious heart of yours
be heard
and then dance it's dance
Celebrate it's passion, your desire
Expand, explore, explode!!!
As there is NOTHING we can't do

And the best thing we can do is dance our hearts desires!
Lets go in and rise up,
raise up out of our sleep

Let's live our dance, our song, our hearts words and feelings.
The time is now
Will you listen?
Will you dance now?
Maybe you can reach out for support if you feel you can't do it alone
We will support each other to grow, to lift our hearts
Let's dance, sing and listen together

Dance you dance
Sing your song
Live your heart's desire
Love yourself this much
To LISTEN, to LIVE, to BE, to BE YOU!

Dance with Presence, Dance with Life, Dance In Life!