Friday, January 2, 2009

Dance with Presence, Dance with Life, Dance In Life!

Dance with Presence, Dance with Life, Dance In Life!

Yes, Dance is the journey
Isn't it?
Yes it is.
The dance isn't the end point,
it is the now point,
the here and now point.
We are all dancing right now,
it's called life....this dance
The dance is life
Or is it life is the Dance.
I say yes to both
Be Present, Be here and now
Be Life
Be the dance
Allow your heart to sing each moment

Yes, sing, dance, feel
Let it be heard
And LIVE by IT
It screams to be lived by
It cries, it celebrates, it wishes, it hopes
Oh let it soar,let your heart be heard

Let you heart move your dance
This way your heart gets to dance
Be seen, be felt, be heard, and LIVED!
Yes be LIVED fully, right here right now.
So listen,
oh listen
listen so closely
so still-ly
yes, be still
be ever so quiet
you'll hear it
it will speak to you
so go in, close your beautiful eyes
let that heart, that big glorious heart of yours
be heard
and then dance it's dance
Celebrate it's passion, your desire
Expand, explore, explode!!!
As there is NOTHING we can't do

And the best thing we can do is dance our hearts desires!
Lets go in and rise up,
raise up out of our sleep

Let's live our dance, our song, our hearts words and feelings.
The time is now
Will you listen?
Will you dance now?
Maybe you can reach out for support if you feel you can't do it alone
We will support each other to grow, to lift our hearts
Let's dance, sing and listen together

Dance you dance
Sing your song
Live your heart's desire
Love yourself this much
To LISTEN, to LIVE, to BE, to BE YOU!

Dance with Presence, Dance with Life, Dance In Life!

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