Friday, August 22, 2008

mmmmmm...oh, you. August 22, 2008

yes, my sweet friend
thank you for last night
so delicious to have you here
oh oh hold you, dance with you
be near you, what a treat
love love love....oh yes love
i loved our melting pot of friends
moving differently together
yes moving differently together
like life really, yes life
life is good my friend
so happy you are back in my life
in my playground
my childhood friend, play play play
let's feel, play, grow, expand, cry, be in joy and
bliss-out together, bliss-in together
my childhood friend, yes childhood friend, you, that's you
my friend
I look forward to more of this, Sunday, next week maybe
you are always invited to move with me, in my home
on the streets, in a car, on a trail....yes move with me
you me, moving, dancing, in words, no words
in joy and bliss, yet in tears and sorrow
it's all good, oh it's all good

I hug you, yes I hug you, I hug your soul
your soul
your soul has been hugged
I like that, "like pouring milk", yes like pouring milk you said
so is love
love is like milk pouring over you, sometimes slow and soft and flowing
and sometimes fast and almost shocking
And then sensuously laying back on a bed of feathers as milk pours over you
love pours over you

and then there is
sex on a stick.....Oh I like this one said it....oh that can be taken so many different delicious ways
yes so delicious, or de-lick-sious
get the visual? I'm sure you do my sensuous, luscious one
licking......ummmmm...yes you thought I was going to say it
nope, you know
you know.

-Heather Rhea Dawn-

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